Do you tip an escort girl?
vom 26. April 2022

A gratuity for your escort lady is much more than recognition for a wonderful time together. It should be mentioned in advance that our models of course do not expect a tip, but are very happy about a small gratuity. Generally, everything is already included in the agreed escort fee, except for travel expenses.
If you are satisfied with the service of the Aura Escort Models, a little attention or a gift is a special pleasure. A few thoughts on this can be found below. A real gentleman will always know how to specially honor the delightful time with his temporary mistress.
Tip to Escort Model
Commonly, it is usual to give tips always after a service received. In escort it makes sense to hand over the additional reward already with the fee. Many escort ladies are pleased about this special recognition and show their gratitude in the further process of the rendezvous. Thus, the chances are excellent that this addition will make the meeting an even more brilliant experience than it already is.
Whether and when you would like to make such an extra payment is, of course, entirely up to you.
The amount of the escort extra gift
With a pizza or parcel delivery boy, we do not have to think long about how high the tip should be. With an escort girl it is something else. Your optional attention should be based on the fee of the lady. In general, it does not matter whether it is 10, 20, 50 or 100 euros. If you were happy and satisfied with your escort lady, an additional recognition is an expression of your appreciation.
A good idea is to round up the fee of your desired lady from Aura Escort with the tip. If you are not sure what amount seems appropriate, we recommend giving a gift as a small treat.
Present as a tip replacement?
About a nice gift as a thank you, your hot Girl Next Door is also happy. You can find a suitable gift at a glance in the girl profiles of the Aura escort agency. In the profiles of the girls are exact details deposited, which fragrances the ladies prefer. With the right perfume, you are always right! At the same time, your temporary lover will appreciate the fact that you have already dealt with her before the date. Of course, the team of Aura Escort is happy to advise you for further suggestions.
Small noble sweets are equally an excellent way to establish a special connection with your courtesan from the very beginning. Loving presents are always small icebreakers. There are no limits to your imagination.
For a longer booking, a joint excursion to a lingerie boutique is an exciting idea, because you both get something out of it. Together you can lustfully indulge in hot thoughts and later live out this fantasy discreetly.
Conclusion about the tip
If you hand over a small attention with the fee in advance, you can often be happy about an additional thank you. However, such attentions are not a must. The date with the girls from Aura Escort Frankfurt always succeeds when you adjust to your counterpart. Whether with or without a gift. Our charming models are looking forward to meeting you!
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